Information for Family & Friends
Important Information Regarding COVID-19

Family and friends are always welcome at Autumn Lake at New Britain. For everyone’s safety, comfort and convenience, all visitors must sign-in at the reception desk and we ask that visits occur during our regular visiting hours of:
8:00 am – 8:00 pm (Every Day)
For visits at times other than regular visiting hours, please call 860-612-6009

We encourage you to visit as often as you like. To ensure a pleasant visit for you and a healthy environment for all of our residents,, here are some guidelines:
No crowds, please
While family visits bring great energy and happiness, we ask you to notify us in advance of visits of more than 5 people. Simply contact the facility’s social worker at ( ) – so we can make all the necessary arrangements
Practice careful hygiene
Many of our residents have compromised immune systems – please help us keep them safe.
Wash your hands carefully before and after your visit. And if you have a cold, cough, or sniffle, please be considerate and visit at a later date.
Avoid food gifts
Your presence is enough of a present. But if you do decide to bring along a gift, please try to avoid food gifts. Your loved one’s health is our top priority, and so although freshly baked cookies are warm and homey, there are nutritional concerns that our dietary team is mindful of for the benefit of your loved one.
Be gentle with scents
Residents, especially those with lung conditions, can be sensitive to strong scents and perfumes. Please be mindful of this.

How can I help my family member or friend adjust to this big change?
1. Our social workers are here to help through this change. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime.
2. We welcome you to our facility. Please get acquainted with our staff and community. Your comfort within our facility will help your family member or friend feel comfortable
3. No one knows your family member or friend the way you do. Please share their history, likes, and dislikes with our team so that we can that we can accommodate their needs and likes.
4. During the move, be sure to bring along familiar items and photographs to decorate your family member or friend’s room.
5. Visit as often as you can. We would love to see you, and so will they.
How can I help to assure the best possible care?
Your family member or friend’s health, wellbeing and happiness is our top priority. We welcome suggestions and feedback. Please feel comfortable to bring any suggestions, questions, comments or concerns you have to our head nurse, social worker, or facility director anytime. Or, reach out to us at {email} or {phone number + extension}
How can I cover the cost of my loved ones stay? Will my insurance cover everything?
There are many ways to cover your loved ones stay.
These include:
-Long Term Care Insurance, and
-Private Pay
Our admissions department will walk you through your options and assist you in confirming coverage. Feel free to reach out at {email} or {phone number + extension}